Below is a basic list where you can find and search for the information you need when qualifying a Sourcing Group:
In Public Information Sources
Available Technology
Export markets by country
Future trends
Information about suppliers
Market information
In Client accounting databases
History of purchases (general ledger)
Seasonality of purchase (A/P, G/L)
Unit prices by supplier (invoice files)
Volume purchased by supplier (A/P)
In Purchasing department database
Capacity of suppliers
Geographical information (address, contact, where to deliver, etc.)
Information on current suppliers
Prices and pricing basis
Product specifications
Quality certification (if applicable)
Term of payment
In Technical Departments
Bill of material structure
Current suppliers capability, quality, certification
Potential suppliers (name, capabilities, certification, quality)
Product specifications
In Sales department
In Manufacturing departments
Incoming quality history
Volumes by site
Contacting Suppliers
Service performance
Volume history
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