Category: Tools & tips
The Scottish Governement has been developping for years a comprehensive Purchasing toolkit and a full suite of Procurement tools & templates in order to streamline its Sourcing and Procurement …
In the course of my 15+ years in Sourcing & Procurement, based on my personal experience as well as leveraging market analysts reports, I came to the point of …
Working on many different Business cases every year, I noticed a general trend in getting a grip on tail spend management. The main issue is always the same and in a …
A simple but nice benefit tree to summarize the beauty of Strategic Sourcing that I found on the US navy public pages.
One of your Business-Unit needs a new service and they are considering delivering it partially because there are some capabilities they don’t have, so they need your help but …
Having a formal Vendor Management program in place is a good evidence of Procurement maturity as it requires a robust list of pre-requisits to make any sense: Strategic and Preferred …
The holistic view of Managing and improving your spend baseline is rather simplistic but worth getting structured. You shall consider a) 3 major levers: Supplier , Demand and Cost management – and b) …
Late July 09, Wal-Mart announced plans to develop a worldwide sustainable product index, which is expected to lead to higher quality, lower costs and measure the sustainability of products …
Below is the the list of the top 20 Procurement-related websites identified by CIPSA (CIPS Australia - original source-page is here). I'm proud to see that I'm in, nearby …
PwC is proposing an online tool to benchmark a purchasing function through 39 criteria. Collecting data – to complete this benchmark – is announced to require 4 to 6 …