Category: Spend Analysis
“Big data” is one of the core component of the Future of Procurement and has major challenges to overcome. The meaning of the expression has been evolving since it …
Spend analysis is high on Procurement agenda since the mid 1990 but remains a challenging matter. Spend analysis is a complex topic on its own and encompasses all activities related to “the process of …
To me, Spend Analysis is a critical area to get under control and where a good-size company should invest in. I’ve mentioned it several times and lately in a …
Zycus, one of the leading provider of Spend Analysis Automation, is partnering with UNSPSC and has issued a quite complete and instructive 47 page report called “UNSPSC for better …
Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs), representing over $1.46T in spend under management, gather at the Aberdeen CPO Summit to chart the course ahead. Interestingly enough, “CPO Summit attendees ranked Spend …
As you can see I love Top 10’s… I was busy identifying leading providers covering the ‘spending analysis’ automation process when I found this nice report from the Aberdeen …
Getting a right customised product and service classification for your own company is a tuff and time consuming job. You’d rather start with and leverage a standard and global one as …