An intuitive Reverse Auction decision tool

Browsing the web for the latest news about auctions, I land on home page. The site, built by Lee S. Crane. “currently buyer with the U.S. Postal Service; who has been working in sourcing and supply chain management for the past eight years and who has run over 25 eRAs (electronic Reverse Auctions), multi-attribute auctions (…)” offers a nice user-friendly and intuitive xls tool to download in order to pre-assess the opportunity to run or not a reverse auction.

Remember it looks easy to run a reverse-auction, but it is not free, it has a cost of several thousand euros to be justified and moreover, can severely harm your relationship with your regular suppliers or strategic partners. This tool will definitly help ‘eRA non familiar’ persons in their decision process and will probably make clearer the critical success factors for an auction.

If you’d like to download tthe eRatool right away, click here

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