The success of YouTube on consumers in un-de-ni-a-ble. On businesses however, it is another story and actually… YouTube is not meant – yet – for B2B . Nevertheless, as I am convinced VoD will invade the online B2B-network landscape and space, I couldn’t resist to search what YouTube can currently offer to Purchasing professionals. Guess what: it’s slightly more than nothing. Indeed, searching for ‘purchasing’ videos returns a mess as well as the keyword ‘procurement’. ‘eSourcing’ or ‘eProcurement’ keywords simply returns nada!. But I’ve been successful – I surprised myself – somehow, with ‘supply-chain‘ keyword which returned 39 results from which I consider only 8-10 to be relevant; at last, ‘RFID’ looks really popular with 50+ ‘pretty-ok results’. Back to my ‘supply chain’ search, you’ll find thereafter the most interesting YouTube videos I found, as examples:
- Animation for supply-chain operation in beverage industry supply chain operation in pallet labeling
- Ford Manufacturing Supply Chain Cisco promotional video on supply chain management
- The Need for Supply Chain Visibility by
- Order Fulfillment Made Easy Supply Chain Solutions from 3Linx
- VMI Vendor Managed Inventory YPH SCM Consulting and services for vendor managed inventory (VMI)
- RFID train 1:87 model RFID supply-chain model using railway 1:87 model
- Contract Management Video Podcast (Next Level Purchasing’s | Purchasing & Supply Management Podcast Series)
- RFID – Technology Video Video that details the use of RFID technologies in the supply chain
Bottom line, my learning is that “the searching capabilities for YouTube’s Videos are not good enough”. It is rather crap I would even say: Searching for a word returns results for synonym – you want it or not – ; you can’t search on tags and the “refine per category” is… nothing but a joke. So, as anticipated, YouTube doesn’t make it – yet? – for B2B videos. Let’s wait and see what it will be in a couple of months from now. This world goes fast.