Tag: Business
The Scottish Governement has been developping for years a comprehensive Purchasing toolkit and a full suite of Procurement tools & templates in order to streamline its Sourcing and Procurement …
Where to start is always the question, for those who are initiating their journey or for those who are on their way and working on continuous improvement. This post shall help you to …
Working on many different Business cases every year, I noticed a general trend in getting a grip on tail spend management. The main issue is always the same and in a …
If you are in the exciting process of setting up your Journey for a Best in Class Purchasing organisation , you’ll need a Vision, a structured Approach and right Priorities, namely a Sourcing & …
Managing Procurement Performance is of course a critical process in any best in class organisation. Dashboard is a very interesting component of this process as its a graphical and easy …
Thinking about the future is exciting. Exciting for creatives. Exciting for entrepreneurs. Exciting for Procurement! The field of possibles is wide-open and transformation is happening fast. I’ve gathered in this post a …
One of your Business-Unit needs a new service and they are considering delivering it partially because there are some capabilities they don’t have, so they need your help but …
I’m very curious of what you consider today as your major headach in your day to day work. You’ll find below a poll with a personnal selection of typical …
When I started to work, in 1990, about 20+ years ago, no one had a PC on his/her desk nor a mobile phone in his/her pocket. I’m feeling like a …
Non-Core Purchasing (i.e. Purchasing non directly related to the end-product and not manageable through a full automated MRP system) has from the very start be appreciated as a low-value contributor …