Which company is the most popular eSourcing vendor?
I’ve decided to look at Alexa and compare traffic ranking. Below is the outcome.
To be honest, first hand, I’ve been surprised (a bit), but if you take into account that some of those Vendors have different platforms available for their customer, instead of a unique one (as Eutilia, for example) you better understand the result.
Alexa traffic Rank (8-11-2006)
- Ariba: 138.186
- Eutilia: 158.648
- SourcingParts: 297,410
- Emptoris: 283.457
- Perfect Commerce: 385.324
- VerticalNet: 586,146
- Procuri: 605.318
- Frictionless: 845.304
- Portum: 1.211.656
- Synertrade: 1.578.132
- Iasta: 1.997.469
- BravoSolution(fr): 4.692.900
- ScanMarket: No Data
Any other Vendor I should include in this ranking?
View the update I did in June 2007.
You should also include ivalua.com. A french one, but a good one !
Hi Damien. You’re right. I will…before the end of the week