Business intelligence: Top 5 RSS readers

If, as I do, you browse the internet for hours to get detailed information about your favorite topics, then you probably use a RSS reader. I’m using Netvibes myself for a while already and enjoy it very much. However, as I’m not completely satisfied, I looked around to get the “killing App” if any. Unfortunatly there’s not. Here is a TOP 5 list I found here:

Bloglines is used by 20% of all RSS readers (it’s the most used RSS reader). Relatively quick and easy to use, Bloglines is web based, so there’s no installation, nor any requirement for a particular platform. Not yet the RSS killing apps though).

Until recently, Firefox Live Bookmarks was the leading feedreader, but thankfully the release of Firefox 2 means that a far larger range of readers are supported. Live Bookmarks are fine for the casual RSS subscriber, but are woefully unprepared for anything more than a few feeds.

Netvibes is the leading provider in those seemingly-fashionable AJAX home pages, with the option to allocate screen real estate to RSS feeds. Personally, I’m dubious as to the usefulness of services such as Netvibes, with a somewhat overcomplicated and cluttered interface, but over 60 people can’t be wrong!

Next up, it’s the closest alternative to Bloglines, Newsgator. It’s almost identical in terms of features, but I find it a little less aesthetically pleasing and a little more ‘clunky’ in use. I can’t help but feel that their site is essentially one big advert for their ‘premium’ services.”

Google has lately issued a ‘RSS reader beta version’ which might probably be part of this top 5 as well: Google Reader.
You can in 2 clicks export/import your feeds in it and I have to say that it takes me a couple of minutes only to review 200-300 feed titles and select the 10’s I’ll dig into.

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