A 15-step procurement process © OGC

procurement process OGC

OGC did a tremendous job detailing and drawing, online and publically, its 15-step procurement process, here. Though it is dedicated to Public Procurement purposes, I consider this site as a Must to browse: it is clear, bold and sharp. A reference to bookmark.

Below are the 15 steps (including 4 to 10+ sub-steps) for which you will find explaination and OGC working best practices:

Good procurement is not just about getting the price down. It’s about balancing whole life cost and fitness for purpose, while meeting European Union rules and treating suppliers fairly. OGC supports this by encouraging more efficient ways of working, coordinating public sector procurement activities and managing several initiatives to open up government markets to competition and encourage private sector organisations to work better with the public sector. (Source: OGC)

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