Tag: Intelligence
The Scottish Governement has been developping for years a comprehensive Purchasing toolkit and a full suite of Procurement tools & templates in order to streamline its Sourcing and Procurement …
Thinking about the future is exciting. Exciting for creatives. Exciting for entrepreneurs. Exciting for Procurement! The field of possibles is wide-open and transformation is happening fast. I’ve gathered in this post a …
Non-Core Purchasing (i.e. Purchasing non directly related to the end-product and not manageable through a full automated MRP system) has from the very start be appreciated as a low-value contributor …
You’ll find below a couple of links with regards to this massive $375m acquisition in the Procurement Outsourcing arena: October 3rd 2013: Accenture procures procurement’s prize property: Procurian – Enterpise …
Below is the the list of the top 20 Procurement-related websites identified by CIPSA (CIPS Australia - original source-page is here). I'm proud to see that I'm in, nearby …
I discovered Openbravo today. Could anyone enlight me about this open source software and company? I found out that Red Herring has selected Openbravo as a winner of Red …
Here are links and comments I found on Line56 to the most downloaded free enterprise applications on Sourceforge: wxPython: “A set of Python extension modules that wrap the cross-platform …
As you can see I love Top 10’s… I was busy identifying leading providers covering the ‘spending analysis’ automation process when I found this nice report from the Aberdeen …
If, as I do, you browse the internet for hours to get detailed information about your favorite topics, then you probably use a RSS reader. I’m using Netvibes myself …
Getting a right customised product and service classification for your own company is a tuff and time consuming job. You’d rather start with and leverage a standard and global one as …