EIPM #1: A Skill Assessment Tool for purchasing professionals

EIPMFirst post about The European Institute for Purchasing Management (EIPM). EIPM has developed and is offering free on its website a powerful internet based “skill self-assessment tool” for purchasing and supply management positions called “the Bee Resource“. You can use it on a individual basis, to check your own skills, or on a company base, to assess the skills of a purchasing department.

I’ve tested the Bee Resource and found it very interesting for the following reasons:

  • A flexible job profiling capability (you select only the activities you perform)
  • Questions relevancy and specificity
  • benchmarking comparisons
  • the individual or group assessment capabilities
  • the anonymity for users

In its presentation EIPM says:

This self assessment process allows the organisation to discern clearly the strengths/weaknesses of individuals and the purchasing population, to identify areas of improvements that can be made and to indicate existing competency gaps. Finally the process culminates in the recommendation of appropriate training package for the group.

The way it works
The Bee Resources profiling and assessment tool is structure around a job position schema, activities linked to the job, and competencies that are identified to best perform the activities.
The user first selects his job then selects the activities that are relevant and pertinent to this job. This is followed by the actual self-assessment itself,. Duration for completion varies according to the number of activities selected by the user. It easely takes an hour to go through it. The questionnaire is structured in different formats, including self-evaluation scales, multiple-choice questions, quizzes and scenarios. The objective is to measure the buyer’s knowledge, expertise and behaviour to determine his professional level of competence.

The six categories of competencies or skills tested are:

  • management
  • leadership
  • communication
  • decision making
  • purchasing technical skills
  • external skills

The results are displayed on spider-chart format, based on six axis representing the six competencies necessary to perform the activities. Last but not least detail about anonymity and confidentiality: individual users have access to their own result report while managers (if any) receive the overall average score of the group.
Bee resource screenshot


  1. Kay Bayen 23 May 2007
  2. jp.massin 23 May 2007
  3. Kay Nakanomori 31 January 2008
  4. The Doctor 31 January 2008
  5. Kay Nakanomori 31 January 2008

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